5 Signs You Need a Furnace Replacement

November 21, 2019

Replacing your furnace might not be high on your list until it starts malfunctioning. However, there comes a time when your furnace must be replaced. This is especially true if you have an old furnace. Here are five signs that you need to replace the furnace in your Greenville home:

1. The Age of Your Furnace

How old is your furnace? If it’s been in your home for 15 years or more, it may be time to get a new one. The best time to shop for a new furnace is before you need one. Our technicians at Ken Parker Service, Inc. can install a new heating system at your commercial or residential property.

2. Multiple Furnace Repairs

Furnace repair costs can add up. If you had to replace several parts of your furnace lately, it may be time to shop for a new furnace. It’s more cost-effective to purchase a new furnace than it is to keep repairing an old one.

3. A Noisy Furnace

Strange noises are obvious signs that there is something wrong with your furnace. Noises that you should pay attention to include banging, rattling and squealing. If you hear any of these noises, one of our technicians can assess your furnace.

4. Frequent Allergies and Respiratory Illnesses

An inefficient home furnace can affect your health. It’s common for older furnaces to develop cracks that leak carbon monoxide. Signs that you are being exposed to carbon monoxide include flu-like symptoms, headaches and a dry throat.

5. A Dusty or Dry Home

An efficient furnace purifies the air in your home. When your furnace isn’t working properly, you’ll notice excessive amounts of dust and dry air. Other signs that your home is dry include static shocks, cracked furniture and drooping house plants.

The best way to determine if you need a new furnace is to schedule an appointment with Ken Parker Service, Inc.. Our HVAC services include maintenance, repair and installation. We also install heat pumps, furnaces, thermostats and packaged systems. Contact our company today.

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